MICFIP - Magnifications with and without polarizing filter

Here are some captured images using MICFIP, with and without polarised filter. MICFIP is a very innovative handheld color digital microscope with Wi-F...
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432 Hits

MICFIP - The Mic-Fi Wi-Fi Digital Microscope with polarizing filter

  MICFIP: The Mic-Fi Wi-Fi Microscope with polarised filter. It allows to remove all light glares from the image you are viewing. Using proper SW...
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431 Hits

MICFIUVWIR - The Wi-Fi Mic-Fi Digital Microscope with triple illumination!

  MICFIUVWIR is a very innovative handheld color digital microscope with Wi-Fi wireless transmission and triple illumination (White Light, UV and...
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402 Hits

New Demo Mic-Fi Video!

Check the NEW demo video of this innovative product line!Mic-Fi is ONE STEP BEYOND!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xgfPZiYcnI  
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435 Hits

Check the whole Mic-Fi product line!

Mic-FiCheck the whole Mic-Fi product line! Mic-Fi is a very innovative handheld color digital microscope with Wi-Fi wireless transmission. It breaks the con...
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387 Hits

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