Mic-Fi @ A&T 2017 - Another Achievement!

Mic-Fi - A&T 2017 - 3/4/5 May 2017 - Oval Lingotto - Turin - ItalyStand H26 H28 L37   Thanks to all visitors and all our contribut...
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1609 Hits

Happy Easter - Buona Pasqua by Mic-Fi

Mic-Fi vi augura una Buona Pasqua! Mic-Fi wishes you a Happy Easter!
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1609 Hits

Mic-Fi in Veterinary Dermatology

Mic-Fi in Veterinary Dermatology - Allergy testingThanks to Dermatologie Vétérinaire Click here to see the video!!!
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744 Hits

Mic-Fi Irid - The Exclusive Digital Wi-Fi Iriscope

Mic-Fi Irid - The Exclusive Digital Wi-Fi Iriscope from Mic-Fi on Vimeo.
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1902 Hits

Mic-Fi Otoscope & Laboratoire Cevidra

Thank you to Laboratoire Cevidra for the excellent work done at Assises d'ORL, and special Thanks to Audiology Magazine for the article on Mic-Fi Otos...
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1164 Hits

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